Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I put the label and binding on the quilt over the weekend. Threw it in the wash and it is now DONE! This is a pictures after the wash. I like the way it shrinks up in the dryer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mother Nature Acting up Again

No quilting for me once again. Mother Nature is playing a nasty joke on all of us here on the east coast. Will this rain never stop? My basement had about an inch of water in it when I left this morning - I sure hope we didn't lose electricity while I was at work. Sump pump is working overtime!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another one quilted

I just finished another top - quilted it anyway. I will put the binding on it this week! One more down. Will post picture as soon as its totally finished.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Trying to finish up quilt top but Mother Nature isn't helping!

I have been trying to finish up the quilting on my most recent quilt top. However, Mother Nature isn't cooperating. Its been raining so much that my basement has about an inch of water in it and that is where my quilt frame is. Call me crazy, but I'm a little nervous about standing in water while running my machine. Needless to say I have to wait for the floor to dry out but it is, yet again, raining! I guess I shouldn't complain because it could be snow!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Working hard to finish those UFO's

I am working hard on getting ufo's out of my closet. Went on a quilt weekend with a friend and I finished the top of the wall hanging that LC gave me - just need to get it quilted. I also finished the top of the misc. quilt that I started so long ago, I can't remember when -- just need to quilt that as well. Do you see a pattern here? I get the tops finished, but then don't follow through to the actual quilting. I am working on changing that though. Hopefully, you will see more finished (quilted) tops in the near future! Oh well, its a start!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's a Square - Finished

I finished the It's a Square quilt. All quilted, binding on - everything!! As soon as I can, I am going to post a picture. I would like to say my list is getting smaller, but I keep finding more quilts that aren't finished. I'll keep plugging away!