Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fabric Extravaganza!

I know its been a while since I posted, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it. This weekend a friend and I went on a quilting weekend.  It was great!  We left early on Friday afternoon and went to the Fabric Extravaganza in NH.  Bought way too much fabric - but who can pass up such bargains?  We then made our way to two more quilt shops and hit JoAnn's Fabrics at the end of our travels.  We went out for dinner and then headed back to her house to begin our weekend of quilting.  Did I tell you it was great?  Saturday we stayed in our pjs quilting until it was time to go to Keepsake Quilting.  Yup - bought more fabric there.  From there we went back to JoAnn's (cause you never know what you missed the first time - or as Karen says "Do I need this?"), got something to eat and then back to our quilting!  Sunday we stayed in our pjs quilting until around 4 pm when we decided it was time to shower and head for home.  The best part of this is that I finished two - yes I said two - quilts.  (Ok, technically I guess they aren't done till they're quilted, but the tops are done.)  I've posted pictures.  My friend, Karen, finished one as well.  It was a great weekend.  Thanks Karen for the hospitality!