Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fear of Completion!

I love to quilt which is the real reason behind this blog. I should probably say I love to make the tops -- not so much the quilting of the tops. I bought a mid-arm quilting machine last year (a Voyager) and have only quilted one top on it. I'm a little afraid! It certainly made it a lot easier to do the quilting. My goal is to get some of the tops sitting in my closet finished. I have also been pulling out all my unfinished project and have been trying to get them done. So far -- 2 down. As for the tops I have that need to be quilted - I think there are about 15 of them. Sad, huh? I am going to try and post pictures of all of them. I am hoping that if I see them all in one spot it will shame me into action (probably not though)! If anyone is out there reading this, please feel free to add your comments. I would love to know how many unquilted tops and unfinished projects everyone else has.

P.S. Fear of completion is my sisters motto as well! Do you think its a family thing?

1 comment:

  1. I think that might be my problem too as I love to start BUT really drag my feet after that!
